Your perfect guide to Web Architecture

Web architecture determines how software logic is divided between a server and a client, as well as how these two components communicate with each other. Depending on the needs of your website or a web app, you choose the web architecture that would work best for it (you can turn to this article to learn more).

The ways web architecture types work are quite different and depend on a client model and requests a client sends/receives to/from a server. Still, the most popular architecture is SPA (single-page app), which work like this:

With web applications, you have the server versus the customer side. Basically, there are two projects running simultaneously:

  • The code which lives in the program and reacts to client input
  • The code which lives on the server and reacts to HTTP asks

Web Application Architecture Example

Picture by means of Wikipedia

When composing an application, it is up to the web designer to choose what the code on the server ought to do in connection to what the code on the program ought to do. With server-side code, dialects include:

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PHP
  • C#
  • Java
  • Python
  • Javascript

Actually, any code that can react to HTTP asks for has the capacity to keep running on a server. Here are a couple of different properties of server-side code:

Is never observed by the client (aside from inside an uncommon glitch)
Stores information, for example, client profiles, tweets, pages, and so forth…
Makes the page the client asked

With customer side code, dialects utilized include:

  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • HTML

These are then parsed by the client’s program. Besides, the customer side code can be seen and altered by the client. Also, it needs to impart just through HTTP asks for and can’t peruse records off of a server specifically. Moreover, it responds to client input.

Web Application Architecture is Important for Supporting Future Growth

The motivation behind why it is basic to have great web application architecture is on the grounds that it is the outline for supporting future development which may originate from expanded interest, future interoperability, and improved dependability prerequisites. Through question situated programming, the authoritative structure of web application architecture characterizes accurately how an application will work. A few highlights include:

Conveying industrious information through HTTP, which can be comprehended by customer side code and the other way around

Ensuring asks for containing substantial information
Offers confirmation for clients
Points of confinement what clients can see dependent on authorizations
Makes refreshes and erases records

Kinds of web application architecture

Despite the model, all web application segments dependably work all the while and make a vital web application. Contingent upon how the application rationale is circulated among the customer and server sides, there can be different kinds of web application architecture.

Inheritance HTML web application

As per the specific first and fundamental web application architecture, a server, comprising of web page development rationale and business rationale connects with a customer by conveying a total HTML page. To see a refresh, the client needs to completely reload the page or, as such, to have the customer send a demand for an HTML page to the server and load its whole code indeed.

Gadget web application

In this compose, the web page development rationale is supplanted by web administrations, and each page on the customer has separate elements called gadgets. By sending AJAX questions to web administrations, gadgets can get pieces of information in HTML or JSON and show them without reloading the whole page.

Single-page web application architecture

This is the most present-day web application architecture, where you download a solitary page just once. On the customer side, this page has a JavaScript layer that can openly speak with web benefits on the server and, utilizing the information from web administrations, make ongoing updates to itself.


Web application architecture composes and part models have been developing together with the web itself. While the inheritance structure and a fundamental segment show showed up in the seasons of Web 1.0, present-day web application architecture composes and adaptable segment models are more typical for Web 2.0 and 3.0 times.

The decision of a model and architecture can decide how responsive, powerful, secure and quick your web application will be. So before propelling the improvement venture, investigate your business needs and assess every single conceivable alternative.


Node.js versus Java – A Battle for developer

Hypothetically, it’s conceivable to abstain from settling on that decision.

Be that as it may, in a certifiable situation, picking Node.js for your web application bodes well.
It’s simply quicker and more adaptable than Java, with regards to web applications. It likewise offers top execution. The development of Node.js among the business mammoths shows its flexibility as well. Node.js is significantly more than an application system – it’s additionally utilized incorporate information programming, fast application modernization activities, and IoT arrangements

But on the other hand, Java is an Object-Oriented, universally useful programming dialect and class-based. Developers can utilize the main – “compose once, run anywhere” with Java. It was initially created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystem.

Java is being delivered as JDK (Java Development Kit), which incorporates different parts which are required to run a java program, in any case, not every one of the segments of JDK is compulsory to run Java.

The most recent rendition is Java 10, discharged on March 2018.

Node JS allows developers to execute their code on the server side. It provides a faster way to write scripts which are scalable and light. Developers can write real-time applications, and at the same time, it provides scope for mobile application development.
One can easily utilize Node JS for the front end as well as for back-end development as it allows the use of the same JavaScript. Node JS uses an event-based model to address scalability, and allow rich JavaScript libraries for JavaScript modules which helps in simplify the coding.

Node JS is a runtime library and condition which is cross-stage and utilized for making running JavaScript applications outside the program. It is a free and open source and used for making server-side JS applications. Quite a bit of Java’s punctuation is gotten from C++, or, in other words, based and Object-Oriented.

Simply take a gander at the three factors that impact developers the most:

Ease of use

This is one of the primary explanations for the enormous prominence that NodeJS web advancement has collected in a brief span, it’s universal. It has essentially cut down the long-held boundary between customer side and server-side advancement, making the entire methodology short and straightforward. The developers would now be able to compose a solitary code base for both program and server that conveys much preferable speed over in the ordinary worldview.

Java, then again, can be utilized just on the server-side and subsequently, is a long ways behind NodeJS in this portion.


Java has been around for quite a while and thusly has the best arrangement of structures, IDEs, and libraries accessible t, alongside a vast and develop a network of designers. Since Node.JS is generally an amateur, it will set aside a long opportunity to achieve such dependence and cleverness. Indeed, the language is extending quick and guaranteeing more extensive reception, however, Java application advancement isn’t out of date and keeps on developing. In this way, it may take a while, if by any means, to fill the wide hole.


Looking at the execution of two unique dialects doesn’t generally uncover anything important. The way that every dialect is based on an alternate design makes them proficient at a few errands and along these lines, wasteful at others. That is the motivation behind why when we utilize certain Benchmark to think about the execution, we are unavoidably one-sided towards any one dialect. To keep ourselves from such defective proportion of execution, we will simply investigate one center idea that remaining parts at the focal point of each Node.JS banter non-blocking mode.

At the point when contrasted and the vast majority of alternate dialects for speed, NodeJS effectively turns out on the best, essentially because of its nonconcurrent non-blocking mode-that empowers it to all the while serving an extensive number of customers/strings.

In any case, as you may have seen at this point, Java truly isn’t obsolete! It was refreshed a while back to adjust to a comparable design and it can serve numerous strings all the while substantially quicker than Node.JS. In this way, with regards to sheer speed, Java beats NodeJS all alone turf.

That still isn’t the whole picture. Java will offer better execution if and just if the strings are overseen appropriately, which requires extraordinary capability that just a couple of Java engineers have. On the other hand, Node.JS handles everything consequently, radically chopping down the multifaceted nature.

Everything considered, no language can be named as superior to other. It simply relies on the application you mean to make and the dialect you are moving from.


The web is just going to get bigger, and somebody needs to make it. Figuring out how to create websites as a vocation has numerous points of interest:


Web Development is Flexible

Web development is an exceptionally adaptable activity that enables you to work how you need. You could join an organization and work as a feature of a group, or go solo and work as an independent designer. You could likewise work low maintenance as a developer as a method for getting extra wage close by your principle work.

Most designers do what they do in light of the fact that they adore it; web Development is much of the time referred to as a vocation with high occupation fulfillment rates. The main three purposes for this fulfillment are the work-life balance, work adaptability, and pay.


It’s Easy to Get Started

Beginning as a web engineer is simple; all you require is web access and some learning materials, which are promptly accessible on the web. The key things you have to begin is wanted; you must need it. The advancement you make will be to a great extent down to your capacity to rouse yourself and buckle down.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the fundamental fixings, however, in case, you’re energetic there’s a mess more you should need to figure out how to facilitate your profession. You may wind up considering Ajax, PHP, Ruby, AngularJS, and then some.

These attitudes aren’t something you have to stress over a few seconds ago, however, what you do need to know is that there are a lot of chances to propel your abilities and turn out to be a greater amount of a specialist.

A little about the languages…


What is HTML?

Firstly, HTML is short for “HyperText Markup Language”. That may sound scary, but it simply means it is a language for describing web-pages using ordinary text. HTML is not a complex programming language.

Each and every website online is, at its most essential, an HTML record. The HTML code incorporates labels which advise the guest’s program on how to render the information on their screen, illuminating it when certain parts, for example, sections and pictures, begin and end.


What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable.

CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are used, layout designs, variations in the display for different devices and screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects.

Usually for in excess of one template to apply to a solitary HTML page; that is the place the “falling” part comes in. The falling piece implies that each CSS run can supersede past rules — the rules are basically positioned from general down to particular. The web program takes the most particular decide and uses that. It sounds convoluted, yet it’s not — and it spares designers a considerable measure of time.


What is JavaScript?

A website made utilizing HTML and CSS can look awesome, yet it’s simply static. To make it extremely intriguing, you should need to include some intuitiveness, for example, recordings, news channels, or liveliness. JavaScript advises the program on how to react when a client makes a move without the program asking the server. This spares time, includes additional ease of use, and gives web engineers far more noteworthy command over their websites.

Javascript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is lightweight and most commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow the client-side script to interact with the user and make dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language with object-oriented capabilities

Popup Handling in Selenium


There are different types of popup and alerts in Web application some are javascript popups and some are HTML for handling them in selenium WebDriver there are diff ways.

What is an Alert?

Alert is a small message box which displays the on-screen notification to give the user some kind of information or ask for permission to perform certain kind of operation. It may be also used for warning purpose.

Different types of Alerts

Simple Alert
Simple alerts just have an OK button on them. They are mainly used to display some information to the user. The first alert on our test page is a simple alert. The following code will read the text from the Alert and then accept the alert. An important point to note is that we can switch from the main window to an alert using the driver.SwitchTo().Alert().

Prompt Alerts
In prompt alerts, you get an option to add text to the alert box. This is specifically used when some input is required from the user. We will use the SendKeys() method to type something in the Prompt alert box.

Confirmation Alert
This alert comes with an option to accept or dismiss the alert. To accept the alert you can use IAlert.Accept() and to dismiss you can use the IAlert.Dismiss().

JavaScript Popup: – we can’t inspect javascript popup because it is not written in HTML also we can’t move javascript popups. In order to handle that popup, there is an interface called Alert.

In order to handle javascript popup first, we have to switch the driver control to the Javascript popup.For switch the Control we have to use driver.switchTo().alert() .
Methods present in Alert interface



File Uploading Popup: – For uploading file uploading popup we can use sendKeys(); or we can use window automation tools like AutoIt and Sikuli. Also, we can’t inspect and move these popups.

Using the sendKeys Method


Using Sikuli with selenium:- sikuli is an open source image recognition automation tool which is used to automate the desktop applications, web applications, and gaming applications. To use sikuli with selenium copy sikulixapi.jar and in the libraries.


Authentication Popup:- The title of this popup page is authentication required and this popup also contains 2 fields Username and Password.


File Download Popup Handel using AutoIt:- AutoIt is an open source window automation tool which uses a basic scripting language for writing that script we use “AutoIt Script Editor” and for inspecting the popup we use “AutoIt window info tool”.
1. First, we have to inspect the popup using “Finder Tool”.

2. Open SciTE Script and AutoIt code and save that AutoIt code with the extension of “.au3” then right click on that file and compile Script which will generate a “.exe” file.


In this tutorial, we tried to make you acquainted with the WebDriver’s Alert class that is used to handle web-based pop-ups. We discussed the different types of popup and alerts in a Web application. Some are javascript popups and some are HTML for handling them in selenium WebDriver there are diff ways.


If you’re looking for super-fast page loading, or the ability to handle long lists of dynamic content changing within the view, React may be the JavaScript library for you. React (also known as React.js or ReactJs) is a strong JavaScript library that uses server-side rendering (SSR) with a different twist—one that lets it provide a flexible, performance-oriented, componentized solution for the “V” in MVC (Model View Controller).

Let’s go back to a less complex time when the World Wide Web was youthful—PHP ruled the back-end, and the customer side was more than just a window to content put away in static HTML pages housed on murmuring servers. The web was no place close as unique or as intuitive as it is today, however the way between server request and a quickly perceptible webpage was basic, coordinate, and even hypothetically speedier (if not for the conspicuous innovative restrictions of the time), credit goes to SSR.

Quick forward to the present, and the customer side has since encountered a revolution—dynamic front-ends, intelligent substance, and smooth work area like user encounters have turned into the standard. Be that as it may, the greater part of this headway did not come without a cost: included multifaceted nature. Enlarged customer side executions prompted stacking screens, clear white pages and different slacks in execution while sitting tight for the program to download the JavaScript expected to render a page, something that was at one time a basic yield from the server. The inalienable constraints of customer-side rendering (CSR) were beginning to appear at the creases.

Enter React, an isomorphic JavaScript library discharged by Facebook in 2013, that enabled developers to utilize SSR to assemble present day web applications. One reason developers had begun to float away from SSR was that it was important to need to stack the whole web page each time something changed inside the view. React presented a workaround called the Virtual DOM that enabled developers to exploit the inalienable execution favorable position of SSR, without updating the whole view each time a user rolled out a little improvement to the UI.

Reasons why React has become so popular so quickly

  • React’s virtual browser acts like a specialist between the developer and the genuine browser. Working with the DOM API is hard. React essentially enables developers to work with a virtual browser that is more friendly than the genuine browser.
  • React empowers developers to definitively depict their User Interfaces and model the condition of those interfaces. This implies as opposed to thinking of ventures to depict exchanges on interfaces, developers simply portray the interfaces as far as the last state (like a capacity). At the point when exchanges happen to that state, React deals with refreshing the User Interfaces in light of that.
  • React is only JavaScript, there is a little API to learn, only a couple of capacities and how to utilize them. From that point onward, your JavaScript aptitudes are what improve you a React developer. There are no boundaries to passage. A JavaScript developer can turn into a beneficial React designer in a couple of hours.

React is a ground-breaking UI library that brings the intensity of SSR, isomorphic JavaScript, and segment based web improvement to current unique web applications. It truly sparkles when you have to render vast arrangements of dynamic, information overwhelming, content inside a solitary view à la Facebook or Instagram.

Consider using React if you’re looking for a performance boost for the V in MVC for your app, you like the concept of Flux and unidirectional data flow, you don’t mind learning a new technology that’s already become a major part of front-end web development and you embrace the componentized future of web development.