Picking the correct approach to mobile app development is a basic achievement factor that can represent the deciding moment your project.  Recent innovation blast has turned Mobile App development to an open door opportunity for all. This has helped the organizations and additionally the Mobile app engineers, no doubt. With tremendous developers, the present scenario battle to find the correct applicant.

Given are a couple of tips to pick the correct person that fulfills your prerequisites.


Get informed  

This will get you a fundamental idea regarding the individual or the potential accomplice and their skill in the specific business. Request that them where discover the examples of their work and perceive how their completed items look. You can additionally get some information about these items and subsequently comprehend their actual commitment to those specific undertakings.


Look at their experience

Get some information about different apps the organization has manufactured. Do they have a considerable measure of involvement? Download them and snap around. Check whether they function admirably. By this method, you can get a feeling of their style. In the event that you later pick that mobile app organization, you can utilize their past work as precedents for highlights you like or aversion.


Match their working style with yours

Your mobile app development group is your accomplice. You anticipate that they will create programming that works not surprisingly, however a decent mobile app developer is additionally going to offer plans to improve your app notwithstanding for the client or make it more inclined to procure income. Meet or talk with their venture chief or go-to person to get a feeling of the organization and what it will resemble to arrange your task. Get some information about the procedure. Correspondence is basic while making something. They should have a decent comprehension of your needs and objectives.


Review references

Contact the proprietors of apps worked by that organization you are thinking about. Ask them what it resembled to work with the organization. Discover what they liked. Did the organization deliver the normal outcome? Is it safe to say that it was finished on time and spending plan? Did they offer something to the venture that was staggeringly useful?


Flexibility using upcoming technologies

A portion of the best mobile application developers from around the world have accomplished this mark as they never delayed to refresh themselves and further investigation what they have realized. Being a piece of the presently advanced insurgency, keeping ourselves refreshed with current advances and difficulties are imperative. What’s more, when you pick somebody to control your future undertakings, ensure that individual has the best learning about current situations and upcoming patterns.


Request To Review Some Case Studied or Recent Projects

That would diminish the time required for conveying the required objectives and undertaking and the privilege toolbox for building the item. A match made in paradise is the point at which a mobile app development organization has officially made ventures in your specialty e.g. travel. Understanding the intended interest group and market specifics is fundamental for making a really extraordinary item.


Analyze the Legal Contract

This is the most essential report, which characterizes whether you will put it all on the line with an organization or not. Read and re-read them. Ensure those delineate your perspective of the venture precisely (not the manner in which the development organization sees it). If there should arise an occurrence of any crises, these are the reports you can appeal to. Also, do counsel with a law expert to get every one of the conditions right.


Evaluate The Replies

The fundamental objective of a conversation is to survey the group’s relational abilities. Recovering an email around the same time or on the following day that you’ve reached them is a first great sign.

Shared comprehension is essential. In view of the inquiries/remarks you’ve received from the organization consequently, you ought to get a general thought of how well you can speak with one another. If you can’t get along well amid the transaction forms, that will probably result in huge inconveniences later into the project.



Thinking about the present market situation, the best methodology to pick the best app producer is by having an obvious thought on your assets and necessities, business difficulties and market needs.

How to integrate Maven Project from Bitbucket to Continuous Integration Jenkins

First, let’s understand what Continuous integration is. It’s a process which allows you to identify errors in the starting. All development work is integrated as early as possible and artifacts are created and tested automatically.

Now, what is Bitbucket?

Bitbucket is the most commonly used tool for version control system, the whole team can add and commit the test scripts that are developed locally and push the changes to the bit.

How is Jenkins used?

Jenkins is a widely used open source tool to perform continuous integration and build automation. It monitors the execution of the steps and allows to stop the process if one of the steps fails.

Jenkins can pull the source code from Bitbucket server by selecting the option of source code management and specify the SSH key and can find the source code of your project.

Now we will take you through the process step by step.

  1. To setup Jenkins, first of all, you have to download Jenkins.war file from the link- and copy that file to your c drive.
  2. Open a command prompt and execute —
    1. java –jar c:/ jenkins.war
  3. When the installation is complete the browser will be launched. If it doesn’t, open a browser- To browse http://localhost:8080
  4. To unlock Jenkins page, paste this password into the Administrator password field and click Continue.
  5. When Jenkins is up and running you can click on Manage Jenkins.
  6. After that click on Manage Plugins.
  7. Move to Available tab
  8. Search for Maven Integration plugin and Bit Integration by clicking on the checkbox.
    Maven Integration plugin will allow you to add a maven project and Bit Integration plugin will allow you to pull source code from the repository.
  9. Then click install without start and wait for the installation, then click on restart.
  10. Comeback to Manage Jenkins page.
  11. Click on Global Tool Configuration.
  12. Click on JDK Installations.
  13. Now add the JDK path.
  14. Click on Add Git and add the Git path.
  15. Click on Maven installations and add the Maven path.
  16. Click on save. The configuration is done. Now you just need to create a Maven project.
  17. To create a new Project, you have to Move to Jenkins dashboard and click on Create New Job.
  18. Just provide any Name for Project and select Maven Project for creating a maven project and then click on Ok.
  19. Select Git in Source Code Management and enter your repository clone SSH/HTTPS URL and add a valid username and password in credentials.
  20. Scroll Down to Build under this in Goal and Options. Enter clean install or as you need.
  21. Click on Save.
  22. Now you can click on Build and whenever you click on build, Jenkins will pull the latest commit source code from Bitbucket and generating a build. Also, it will generate a test report of that execution.Hope you got some insight on how to  integrate Maven Project from Bitbucket to Continues integration Jenkins and found our tips useful. Suggestions are always welcome and appreciated.