Programming is all about a more effective way for problem-solving. Problem-solving skills are almost unanimously the most important qualification that employers look for, more than programming languages proficiency, debugging, and system design.

Let’s take a look at how to improve your programming skills. These steps will help you in thinking like a programmer.


  1. Take time to understand

Know precisely what is being inquired. Most difficult issues are hard on the grounds that you don’t comprehend them (thus why this is the initial step).

How to know when you comprehend an issue? When you can clarify it in plain English.

Do you were stuck on an issue, you begin clarifying it, and you in a split second observe openings in the rationale you didn’t see previously?

Most programmers know this inclination. This is the reason you ought to record your concern, doodle a chart, or enlighten another person regarding it.


  1. Plan

Try not to make a plunge directly into comprehending without an arrangement (and some way or another expectation you can tangle your way through). Plan your answer!

Nothing can encourage you on the off chance that you can’t record the correct advances.

In programming, this implies don’t begin hacking straight away. Give your mind time to investigate the issue and process the data.

To get a decent arrangement, answer this inquiry:

“Given information X, what are the means important to return yield Y?”


  1. One thing at a time

Focus. This is the most essential advance of all. Try not to attempt to tackle one major issue.

Rather, break it into sub-issues. These sub-issues are considerably simpler to understand.

At that point, take care of each sub-issue one by one. Start with the least difficult. Most straightforward means you know the appropriate response.

From that point forward, easiest means this sub-issue being understood doesn’t rely upon others being explained. When you tackled each sub-issue, come to an obvious conclusion.

Associating all your “sub-arrangements” will give you the answer for the first issue. This procedure is a foundation of critical thinking. Keep in mind it (read this progression once more, in the event that you should).

For instance, assume you’re another programmer and you’re requested to compose a program that peruses ten numbers and makes sense of which number is the third most astounding. For a shiny new programmer, that can be an intense task, despite the fact that it just requires essential programming language structure.

In case you’re trapped, you ought to diminish the issue to something more straightforward. Rather than the third-most noteworthy number, shouldn’t something be said about finding the most elevated generally? Still excessively extreme? Shouldn’t something be said about finding the biggest of only three numbers? Or on the other hand the bigger of two?

Decrease the issue to the point where you know how to fathom it and compose the arrangement.


  1. Stuck?

At this point, you’re likely staying there intuition. Most importantly, take a full breath. Second, that is reasonable.

The distinction is the best programmers/issue solvers are more inquisitive about bugs/mistakes that bothered.

Investigate (Debug): Go well ordered through your answer endeavoring to discover where you turned out badly. Programmers call this investigating (actually, this is every one of the debuggers does).

Reassess: Take a stage back. Take a gander at the issue from another point of view. There must be something that can be disconnected to a more broad methodology.

Sidenote: Another method for reassessing is beginning once again. Erase everything and start again with open-minded perspectives. You’ll be stunned at how viable this is.

Research: Ahh, great Ol’ Google. You read that right. Regardless of what issue you have, somebody has most likely explained it. Find that individual/arrangement. Truth be told, do this regardless of whether you tackled the issue! (You can take in a ton from other individuals’ answers).

Admonition: Don’t search for an answer to the enormous issue. Look for answers for sub-issues. Why? Since except if you battle (even a tad), you won’t master anything. On the off chance that you don’t get the hang of anything, you squandered your chance.



Try not to hope to be extraordinary after only multi-week. In the event that you need to be a decent issue solver, take care of a great deal of issues!

Practice. Practice. Practice. It’ll just involve time before you perceive that “this issue could without much of a stretch be tackled with <insert idea here>.”


The web is just going to get bigger, and somebody needs to make it. Figuring out how to create websites as a vocation has numerous points of interest:


Web Development is Flexible

Web development is an exceptionally adaptable activity that enables you to work how you need. You could join an organization and work as a feature of a group, or go solo and work as an independent designer. You could likewise work low maintenance as a developer as a method for getting extra wage close by your principle work.

Most designers do what they do in light of the fact that they adore it; web Development is much of the time referred to as a vocation with high occupation fulfillment rates. The main three purposes for this fulfillment are the work-life balance, work adaptability, and pay.


It’s Easy to Get Started

Beginning as a web engineer is simple; all you require is web access and some learning materials, which are promptly accessible on the web. The key things you have to begin is wanted; you must need it. The advancement you make will be to a great extent down to your capacity to rouse yourself and buckle down.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the fundamental fixings, however, in case, you’re energetic there’s a mess more you should need to figure out how to facilitate your profession. You may wind up considering Ajax, PHP, Ruby, AngularJS, and then some.

These attitudes aren’t something you have to stress over a few seconds ago, however, what you do need to know is that there are a lot of chances to propel your abilities and turn out to be a greater amount of a specialist.

A little about the languages…


What is HTML?

Firstly, HTML is short for “HyperText Markup Language”. That may sound scary, but it simply means it is a language for describing web-pages using ordinary text. HTML is not a complex programming language.

Each and every website online is, at its most essential, an HTML record. The HTML code incorporates labels which advise the guest’s program on how to render the information on their screen, illuminating it when certain parts, for example, sections and pictures, begin and end.


What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable.

CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are used, layout designs, variations in the display for different devices and screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects.

Usually for in excess of one template to apply to a solitary HTML page; that is the place the “falling” part comes in. The falling piece implies that each CSS run can supersede past rules — the rules are basically positioned from general down to particular. The web program takes the most particular decide and uses that. It sounds convoluted, yet it’s not — and it spares designers a considerable measure of time.


What is JavaScript?

A website made utilizing HTML and CSS can look awesome, yet it’s simply static. To make it extremely intriguing, you should need to include some intuitiveness, for example, recordings, news channels, or liveliness. JavaScript advises the program on how to react when a client makes a move without the program asking the server. This spares time, includes additional ease of use, and gives web engineers far more noteworthy command over their websites.

Javascript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is lightweight and most commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow the client-side script to interact with the user and make dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language with object-oriented capabilities

Best tunes to listen while coding

Do you guys use background music while coding? Music is a productivity tool. It will help you focus intently on any task. Use it for work, studying, reading, driving, or just relaxation. People say that the right music allows to catch the flow and improve the concentration and performance during the task.

We have assembled a list of music for coding. There you’ll find electronic mixes, ambient sounds, gaming soundtracks, and many others.

We have assembled a list of music for coding. There you’ll find electronic mixes, ambient sounds, gaming soundtracks, and many others.

The Social Network Soundtrack-Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross


Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross made the film’s strain with bass and hardware. The primary track from the collection, Hand Covers Bruise helps me to remember being stuck amidst a bustling office. Consider it foundation clamor yet without the diversions.

OK Computer, Kid An or In Rainbows-Radiohead

The English musical gang is exceptionally prevalent with developers. Nobody appeared to have the capacity to pick one collection with each having decided backers. The best three were OK Computer, Kid An, and In Rainbows.

As if To Nothing-Craig Armstrong

Craig Armstrong’s As If To Nothing collection was recommended, and subsequent to tuning in to the collection while examining I can see why — the collection has an extraordinary blend of instrumental and vocal tracks including both male and female artists.
One of the tracks (Waltz) has an immediate significance to programming as it’s a rich instrumental piece with a mechanical sounding lady perusing out crude HTML and HTTP headers as though she were a screen peruser.

Matrix Soundtrack

With regards to flawlessness in coding, there is nothing that shows signs of perfection than The Matrix trilogy. When in the event that you will sit for extended periods on the PC, The Matrix soundtrack with amazing daze can be a decent method to keep yourself rolling. The soundtrack is quick paced and is a decent method to stay stuck to your seat for a considerable length of time together.

Ride the Lightning

There is no music list implied for a tech guy that can be finished without a Metallica tune in it. In this manner, one of the tunes that geeks love while coding is ‘Ride the Lightning’. The tune could turn out to be each coder’s song of devotion – if the shake is their taste. Overwhelming metal is anyway not perfect for long coding hours, but rather it is certain is stacked to kick you off with some imagination.

Walking on a Dream

‘Walking on a Dream’ by Australian electronic music pair Empire of the Sun is only one phenomenal melody to work to. When you begin tuning in to ‘Walking on a Dream’, rest guaranteed, there’ll even be days when you go tuning in to the track throughout the day, while you code. ‘Walking on a Dream’ is surely the most consoling tune you can tune in while working.

Eye of the Tiger

When you are down and worn out as a coder, and figure you can’t extend your session any further regardless of whether you need to finish the program, it is time you switch on the ‘Eye Of The Tiger’. The fundamental track from the Rocky arrangement of movies can give you the genuinely necessary pump very like the punches tossed in the ring by the main character. To a geek, there can’t be much else moving than this track.


If you’re looking for super-fast page loading, or the ability to handle long lists of dynamic content changing within the view, React may be the JavaScript library for you. React (also known as React.js or ReactJs) is a strong JavaScript library that uses server-side rendering (SSR) with a different twist—one that lets it provide a flexible, performance-oriented, componentized solution for the “V” in MVC (Model View Controller).

Let’s go back to a less complex time when the World Wide Web was youthful—PHP ruled the back-end, and the customer side was more than just a window to content put away in static HTML pages housed on murmuring servers. The web was no place close as unique or as intuitive as it is today, however the way between server request and a quickly perceptible webpage was basic, coordinate, and even hypothetically speedier (if not for the conspicuous innovative restrictions of the time), credit goes to SSR.

Quick forward to the present, and the customer side has since encountered a revolution—dynamic front-ends, intelligent substance, and smooth work area like user encounters have turned into the standard. Be that as it may, the greater part of this headway did not come without a cost: included multifaceted nature. Enlarged customer side executions prompted stacking screens, clear white pages and different slacks in execution while sitting tight for the program to download the JavaScript expected to render a page, something that was at one time a basic yield from the server. The inalienable constraints of customer-side rendering (CSR) were beginning to appear at the creases.

Enter React, an isomorphic JavaScript library discharged by Facebook in 2013, that enabled developers to utilize SSR to assemble present day web applications. One reason developers had begun to float away from SSR was that it was important to need to stack the whole web page each time something changed inside the view. React presented a workaround called the Virtual DOM that enabled developers to exploit the inalienable execution favorable position of SSR, without updating the whole view each time a user rolled out a little improvement to the UI.

Reasons why React has become so popular so quickly

  • React’s virtual browser acts like a specialist between the developer and the genuine browser. Working with the DOM API is hard. React essentially enables developers to work with a virtual browser that is more friendly than the genuine browser.
  • React empowers developers to definitively depict their User Interfaces and model the condition of those interfaces. This implies as opposed to thinking of ventures to depict exchanges on interfaces, developers simply portray the interfaces as far as the last state (like a capacity). At the point when exchanges happen to that state, React deals with refreshing the User Interfaces in light of that.
  • React is only JavaScript, there is a little API to learn, only a couple of capacities and how to utilize them. From that point onward, your JavaScript aptitudes are what improve you a React developer. There are no boundaries to passage. A JavaScript developer can turn into a beneficial React designer in a couple of hours.

React is a ground-breaking UI library that brings the intensity of SSR, isomorphic JavaScript, and segment based web improvement to current unique web applications. It truly sparkles when you have to render vast arrangements of dynamic, information overwhelming, content inside a solitary view à la Facebook or Instagram.

Consider using React if you’re looking for a performance boost for the V in MVC for your app, you like the concept of Flux and unidirectional data flow, you don’t mind learning a new technology that’s already become a major part of front-end web development and you embrace the componentized future of web development.

Android P Beta 4 from Developer’s perspective

Android P Beta 4 is currently accessible for Pixel gadgets and top gadget. Introduce the beta on any supported gadget for testing and development or just to attempt Android P.

Android P introduces great new features and capabilities for users and developers. Let’s take a look at what’s in for developers.



Android P has the new AnimatedImageDrawable class for drawing and showcasing GIF and WebP animated images. Its working is similar to AnimatedVectorDrawable in that RenderThread drives the animations of AnimatedImageDrawable.

An ‘AnimatedImageDrawable’ can be decoded with the new ImageDecoder.


Indoor Positioning with Wi-Fi RTT

Android P has added a platform for IEEE 802.11mc Wi-Fi protocol known by the name of Wi-Fi Round-Trip-Time (RTT). With this newly added feature you can take advantage of indoor positioning in your apps.

On Android P devices with hardware support, your apps can use the new RTT APIs to measure the distance to nearby RTT-capable Wi-Fi Access Points (APs).

Within a distance of  3 or more APs, multilateration algorithm can be used to estimate the device position. The result is typically accurate within 1 to 2 meters.

In-building navigation, fine-grained location-based services such as disambiguated voice control can be possible with this accuracy.  


Display cutout support

Android P provides support for the edge-to-edge screens with display cutout for camera and speaker. With the new

‘DisplayCutout’ class you can find out the location and shape of the non-functional areas where content shouldn’t be displayed. The existence and the placement can be found with ‘getDisplayCutout()’ method.

A new window layout attribute, ‘layoutInDisplayCutoutMode’, allows your app to lay out its content around a device’s cutouts. You can set this attribute to one of the following values:





Multi-camera support and camera updates

Now different streams can be accessed from two or more physical cameras on devices running Android P.

Devices with dual-front or dual-back cameras, you can create interesting features like seamless zoom, bokeh, and stereo vision. The API lets you call a logical or fused camera stream that automatically switches between two or more cameras.

Android P also enables support for external USB/UVC cameras on supported devices.

Session parameters are also introduced as a new feature that helps to reduce delays during initial capture.

In Android P the multi-camera API supports monochrome cameras for devices with FULL or LIMITED capability. Android P also enables support for external USB/UVC cameras on supported devices.


ImageDecoder for drawables and bitmaps

ImageDecoder is added to Android Pto provide an innovative approach for decoding images. ImageDecoder can be used to decode an image rather than the BitmapFactory and BitmapFactory.Options APIs.

ImageDecoder lets you create a Drawable or a Bitmap from a byte buffer, a file, or a URI.

ImageDecoder has many other ways that allow you to further enhance the image. For example, you can use the ‘setPostProcessor()’ method to modify the appearance of the image, such as applying a circle mask or rounding corners


Security enhancements

A number of new security features are introduced in Android P. A unified fingerprint authentication dialog and high-assurance user confirmation of sensitive transactions.


On-device system tracing

In Android P, you can now record system traces from your device. System tracing allows you to capture timing data for each process that’s running on an Android device and to view the data in an HTML report. It is useful for identifying what each thread is doing and for viewing globally important device states.



Android P introduces several enhancements to notifications, all of which are available to developers targeting Android P and above.

Android P enhances the messaging experience with following features:

Simplified support for conversation participants. Many other APIs, such asaddMessage(), now hold the Person class instead of a CharSequence. The Person class also supports the Builder design pattern.

Android P now displays images in Messaging Notifications on phones.

The app can retrieve the ‘EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUT_DRAFT’ sent by the system when a user inadvertently closes a messaging notification and save replies as drafts.

‘setGroupConversation()‘ can be used to purposefully identify a conversation as a group or non-group conversation.

Use ‘RemoteInput.setChoices()’ to provide an array of smart reply to the user


Acquire the knowledge of choosing the right tech stack for your web app

The best possible tech stack i.e. the decision of a programming language, tech, structures and libraries and other development tools that will run your application should be determined before any code gets composed. We all realize that anything truly can be composed in anything. Be that as it may, pick it right and your project will thrive, pick it wrong and you may encounter traps joined with colossal budgetary inconveniences.

In the meantime, the present decision of the correct technology stack is tremendous. In this way, ensure you lead a great deal of thought and examination before deciding on the best possible arrangement of advancements.

There are many commendable options with respect to the best-suiting technology stack for your next enormous venture. Check every one of the upsides and downsides before beginning. To viably execute your task, select experienced group, the correct procedures and test-driven improvement. Guarantee you have discovered a well fit design.

Firstly, study your target audience and the requirements of your project. Research about your potential customers demographic. How can you promote your product amongst the people?
Research about the traffic that is to be expected. The decision of whether you want a complex, simple or mid-range project is crucial.

Once contemplated, you get the complete idea of your optimal client and essentials. And after that, it will turn out to be outstandingly simpler for you to focus on your product’s development and the most recent technology stack it best suits. Indeed, the sort of your project plays an essential part in picking the best possible tech stack.

Divided into two faces


1. Client-side (Front-end)

Client-side, as the name recommends is the place where the genuine connection with the client happens. The client will connect with the site, the web application or a versatile application relying upon what he is utilizing. The customer side is the visual side of the site, enabling clients to collaborate with the site and producing proper reactions.

Tech in the front end.
C) JavaScript

2. Server-side (Backend)

Server-side is the place where developers perform the following functions like programming the business logic, server-side hosting, and deployments, working with databases etc.
The back end consists of
A) A server
B) An application (OS, Web server, Programming language, Web framework),
C) A database


Most Commonly Used Tech Stacks




The MEAN stack is MongoDB, Express, Angular (formerly Angular.js), and Node.js. It picked up prevalence as JavaScript ended up famous on both the customer and server sides. Not at all like other conventional stacks, the MEAN stack is altogether JavaScript-controlled, on account of Node.js, the JS improvement condition that gives JavaScript back-end usefulness. MEAN applications is written in one language for both server-side and customer side execution situations as all components of the MEAN stack support programs are composed in JavaScript.


Angular.js aka Angular 2 is a Front-end web app framework originally created and maintained by Google. It has an easy scale because of its design and dynamic CLI. It runs JavaScript code in the client’s program, permitting your application UI to be dynamic. Angular, initially made and kept up by Google, run your JavaScript code inside the client’s internet browsers to execute a responsive (UI).


Express was the first one to allow developers to build software using JavaScript on the server for the first time. It gave JavaScript a new identity in terms of back-end usability. Back-end web application framework running on top of Node.js. Node.js framework is used for building scalable web applications. Express can be used to simply provide a REST API – giving the front-end app access to the resources it needs e.g., the database.


When it comes to heavy data lifting Node.js has the upper hand as due to its asynchronous nature. Specifically, non concurrent and occasion based design of Node.js makes it an extraordinary fit for RTA (Real-Time Applications, for example, texting and communitarian applications (drawing and video conferencing) in which numerous solicitations are going on simultaneously and where information is every now and again rearranged forward and backward from the server to the customer. The same features make Node.js suitable for applications that process data from IoT (Internet of Things) and Single Page Applications (SPAs) that involve highly flexible, dynamic and heavy client-side functionality.


MongoDB is a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need.

The Document database is used by your back-end application to store its data as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documents. The data is stored in many ways
1. It can be column-oriented.
2. Document-oriented
3. Graph-based
4. Organized as a KeyValue store.

It’ll be a better choice for companies with smaller databases and looking for a more general solution.


It is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building responsive user interfaces. React is easier for developers to get up to speed with and use.


LAMP Stack


LAMP stands for – Linux Apache MySQL PHP. These components, arranged in layers supporting one another, make up the software stack. Websites and Web Applications run on top of this underlying stack. LAMP works well for both dynamic websites and applications.

The LAMP stack is used by companies like Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia just to name a few.


PHP is used by 83.6% of all the websites. It is used to enhance web pages. Amazon, Facebook, and Wikipedia use it extensively. Over 80% of the top 10M websites use PHP.  PHP has a powerful code base that includes web development frameworks (Laravel, Symfony) that enable Rapid Application Development. PHP was designed specifically to smoothly on the Web. That’s the reason it includes all needed functionality to manage HTML, servers, and databases (MySQL in particular).


Developed, Distributed and supported by Oracle Corporation, MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). SQL is a standout amongst the most flexible and generally utilized choices accessible, settling on it a sheltered decision and particularly extraordinary for complex questions.



The response to the inquiry lies in the particular needs of the business. Every stack has their own arrangement of points of interest and weaknesses, so the one you pick will generally rely upon the sort of web application that you’re hoping to assemble.