Feeling forgetful? To-Do Apps to the Rescue

Why To-do Apps

We as a whole have those occasions when there are a million activities, and we don’t know how we will complete everything. It’s anything but difficult to wind up overpowered by the tremendous amount of errands that we should do from the everyday. Some of the time we have such a large number of things noticeable all around, that we may even forget about some remaining details and neglect to do essential things. When we get too occupied, we wind up feeling like we are scarcely ready to keep our heads above water.

What to keep in mind while creating a To-do App


1. Backing Work-Life Balance

There’s a considerable measure of discussing the significance of not having work hoard all your time, but rather leaving yourself a life. A happy and productive worker is a gainful specialist. It’s said that a task pioneer should work to fulfill the needs of the team. One approach to do that is by giving them the tools to oversee both their work undertakings and their home errands. It’s doubtful and not by any means great business to anticipate that a colleague will each second have a check of their workplace. They require breaks, time to make telephone calls, even soak out into the sunlight and possibly get some food or purchase something pleasant, in short, time for themselves and their family.

In this way, with a project task management software that has a to-do list with security settings you and your group can remain in agreement and the doctor’s appointment or your child’s school introduction are just a tick away.


2. Coordinates with Other Tools

Your own schedule may likewise be vital to your work schedule. Suppose a colleague won’t be accessible one day in light of that doctor’s appointment. You have to realize that with a specific end goal to have another person assume control over the truant part’s undertakings or ensure their nonattendance isn’t hindering the advance of the task.

By having a schedule that can be incorporated into your software, you can plan for these impermanent disturbances and act as needs be. Your colleague ought to have the capacity to get to the software anyplace and at whenever in light of the fact that it’s on the web. Then with the collaborative features notify you about their appointment.

With the coordinated software, it’s anything but difficult to then change your project assignments, move around the necessary documents and even check the dim on the mutual schedule so the data is rapidly and basically spread among your group. An easy schedule can’t do this. By joining your schedule into a more vigorous task administration software you’ve recently expelled a few superfluous advances.


3. Overseeing Teams

To-do lists are really just a smaller task list.  With the to-do list being a piece of a bigger suite of software tools you can apply your to-do list to the item without making the procedure more convoluted than it should be.

Having everything under one rooftop, in a manner of speaking, implies that you can join diverse undertakings you’ve doled out to your group and things on your to-do list that identify with those particular errands into the different parts of your task administration software, regardless of whether that be in your timetable or your reports or your documents. It’s all there, moved as effectively as a keystroke.

Doing records flawlessly part of your bigger task management software makes inviting individuals a breeze, also. You can give them full or incomplete access to the software and begin appointing them undertakings or sending them reports. It’s an awesome method to deal with your group and even your partners.

Be More Productive and Efficient with To-dp App. A to-do list is an extraordinary tool, too incredible not to have it versatile to your bigger venture project task software. By having a schedule that ventures into each part of your work you are more proficient and beneficial. That implies less time doing occupied work, and additional time meeting due dates inside your financial plan.

Progressive Web Apps on iOS


What is PWA?

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that uses present-day web capacities to convey an app-like affair to clients. These apps meet certain necessities, are conveyed to servers, open through URLs, and recorded via web crawlers.

With iOS 11.3, Apple has quietly included help for the essential arrangement of new innovations behind the possibility of “Progressive Web Apps” (PWAs). It’s an ideal opportunity to perceive how they function, what are their capacities and challenges, and what do you have to know whether you as of now have a distributed PWA.

Slack is a web app. Trello is a web app. Google Docs. Gmail. Even Twitter. Web apps are only getting better.

Pros of PWAs on iOS

  1. With the Web Platform on iOS, you can access to Geolocation
  2. You can access sensors (Magnetometer, Accelerometer, Gyroscope)
  3. Camera and Audio output are available.
  4. Speech Synthesis (with headsets connected only)
  5. Apple Pay is accessible
  6. Web assembly, WebRTC, WebGL as well as many other experimental features under a flag.

Limitations of Progressive Web Apps when compared with native iOS apps

  1. The app can store offline information and documents up to 50 Mb
  2. On the off chance that the client doesn’t utilize the app for fourteen days, iOS will free up the app’s documents.
  3. The logo will, in any case, be there on the home screen, and when accessed, the app will be downloaded once more
  4. No access to a few highlights, for example, Bluetooth, serial, Beacons, Touch ID, Face ID, ARKit, altimeter sensor, battery data
  5. No access to execute code while in the background
  6. No access to private data (contacts, foundation area) and furthermore no entrance to local social apps
  7. No access to In-App Payments and numerous other Apple-based administrations
  8. On iPad, no access to work with Side or Split Views offering the screen to different apps, PWAs will dependably take the entire screen
  9. No Push Notifications, no symbol identification or Siri combination

Comparison of PWAs on iOS and Android

Android doesn’t erase the documents when you don’t utilize the app, yet it can erase the records under capacity weight. Additionally, if introduced or utilized a ton by the client the PWA can ask for Persistent Storage.

PWAs can access Bluetooth on Android and not on iOS for BLE gadgets. Android can Web Share for getting native share dialog. Android can perform speech recognition.
Android can Sync foundation Sync and Web Push Notifications and adds Web App Banner to welcome the client to introduce the app.

PWAs can access Bluetooth on Android and not on iOS for BLE gadgets. Android can Web Share for getting native share dialog. Android can perform speech recognition.
Android can Sync foundation Sync and Web Push Notifications and adds Web App Banner to welcome the client to introduce the app

In iOS Clients can change the symbol’s name before introducing it. They can be arranged in a design profile, so corporate clients can get PWAs alternate ways from the organization (that is a decent one!). Safari utilizes the term WebClip for this element; anyway, it doesn’t appear to peruse the Web App Manifest.

Why should you consider a PWA?

There are a few great cross-platform solutions, but none of them has a chance as big as PWAs to become a standard for the app world. With PWA, you get a highly performative Web-mobile hybrid—adjusted to all kinds of devices, fast, and installable. It definitely is a part of the future.

How to create right emotions with colour in design?

In design, the color goes about as a key capacity that catches the eye of the client. Color is the most straightforward perspective to recollect when come to experiencing new things for the users. The colors of the design dependably make an association with the branding of the item. Designers utilize color as an approach to convey what the item is about.

More often than not client’s buy thoughts to a great extent relies upon color. There are a few actualities that very critical when coming to color brain science.

Color is a delightful thing that arouses diverse feelings in people. We see things and separate similar items with the utilization of color. We feel colors as a thing that makes distinctive feelings when seen.

Colors delivered in the visual arrangement of the human mind. All things considered, the colors don’t exist in reality. We imagine colors with our brains, which implies colors remain subjective in nature and, not objective.


How colors affect the design?

There are numerous articles that you may ready to discover how the colors affect the design.  Let’s try to understand how the color physiology has affected the design.



Blue promotes calm, safety, openness with lighter shades and reliability with darker shades.

Blue is a standout amongst the most regularly utilized colors when coming to product design. The blue color is considered to give feelings, for example, trust, safe and unwinding.

Blue’s significance changes extraordinarily relying upon the shade. All blues are all around unwinding and safe, however, the lighter shades will appear to be all the more neighborly while the darker ones appear to be more solemn. Web-based life destinations like Twitter and Facebook exploit light and medium shades, while corporate sites incline toward dull shades’ tones of quality and dependability.



Truly connected with eminence, purple holds the tone of extravagance, even to the point of wantonness. Purple promotes luxury, romance with lighter shades and mystery with darker shades.

Purples recommend sumptuousness and riches, by and large, settling on it a mainstream decision for mold and extravagance products similar to the Cadbury. Lighter shades like lavender (with pink tints) are viewed as sentimental, while darker shades appear to be more lavish and secretive.



Green color for clear reasons, people discover it a color that is associated with nature, trees, and plants. More often than not associations that offer natural nourishment and refreshments utilize the green color to their application. Since this color is so normal to our eyes it catches the eye when appropriately utilized.

Green crosses over any barrier amongst warm and cool colors, however, have a tendency to be to a greater degree of pleasant color. This implies green has the same unwinding impacts of blue, yet at the same time holds a portion of the empowering characteristics of yellow.



Black is a standout amongst the most wanted colors in the range. The dark color speaks to power and convention. Black is thought to be the most grounded color of the range. Dark textual styles have been there from the highly contrasting age until the point that the electronic age because of its capacity to make an appropriate feeling of control over different colors.

The most powerful color, black exists on relatively every site.

It can go up against changing attributes relying upon its supporting colors, or command every one of them if utilized as a part of excess. Its quality in the midst of impartiality settles on it the color of decision for long squares of content, yet as an essential color can give the impression of tenseness, complexity, or even underhanded.

For most sites,  black is utilized to make a moment feeling of complexity and agelessness. The sentiment of tastefulness is particularly solid well when matched with white textual style and set against a moderate design.



Yellow is one of the more adaptable colors, contingent upon the shade.

A splendid yellow is the most vivacious of the colors, without the seriousness of red. Center shades of yellow give a feeling of solace while as yet feeling animating. Darker shades (counting gold) can give the impression of times long past, and loan a quality of agelessness, insight, and interest.



White is the color most connected with prudence, virtue, and honesty in Western societies.

Moderate and oversimplified destinations regularly utilize it as a foundation. By drawing minimal consideration of the considerable number of colors, white is the best to accent alternate colors on the page.

As we’ve quite recently clarified, colors carry with them a ton of additional weight that occasionally goes unnoticed.

There is no universal color that is called the best color to be used in the design. We should always focus on who we are designing for. Regardless of what colors you pick, they affect the design in general — from conveying complexity or likeness, to summoning exact feelings.


Difference between UI/UX Design

UX = Useful UI = Beautiful  

A valuable item addresses an issue that isn’t as of now being met in the market. The examination procedure of a UX designer includes completing an aggressive investigation, creating personas, and after that building up a reasonable product or all the more relevant, least important item; an item that will be significant to your focused-on client specialty. This is approved through testing for the duration of the life-cycle of the item.  

Once the client streams and wireframes are prototyped and tried, it’s the UI designer’s part to make them tastefully satisfying. This incorporates picking a shading plan and typography that will be both appealing and easy to utilize. In any case, colour decisions, typography, and collaborations are not founded on the designer’s close to home inclination yet rather on unmistakably verbalized reasons particular to the personas created by the UX designers. With these, UI designers actualize a visual chain of importance that will fill in as a guide to clients, telling them what to do and when to do it, keeping in mind the end goal to meet their targets.  

An all-around planned pecking order will feature one fundamental target for every page making it obvious to the client where they are on the site and what they can achieve in any given minute. She will do this by utilizing traditions or examples that clients are as of now comfortable with. These examples will go about as pieces of information to the client with respect to how to get where they are going.  

A designed chain of importance will feature one principle objective for each page making it obvious to the client where they are on the site and what they can achieve in any given minute. She will do this by utilizing traditions or examples that clients are as of now acquainted with. These examples will go about as pieces of information to the client with reference to how to get where they are going.

UX = Goals, UI = Emotional Connections  

Individuals go to your site to do stuff., they go to your site because of an objective.  

The UX side of things may take a gander at individuals like pooch sweethearts and attempt to make sense of what’s imperative to them. Would could it be that they esteem or need when searching for help with picking their next fuzzy companion? Along these lines, they get the opportunity to work to make sense of it. They make inquiries, they watch individuals, they talk with individuals, they may make models and complete a touch of guerrilla testing to check whether they can approve their business and item offers.  

The identity of your interface that will evoke steadfastness in your clients. Individuals might be attracted to your site in light of its striking plan, they may stick around for some time on the off chance that it enables them to do stuff. Be that as it may, once they make an individual association, at that point they’re snared. Does your interface influence them to giggle? Does it “get” them? Is it brassy? Aaron says, “Individuals will pardon your deficiencies, take after your lead, and sing your gestures of recognition if your reward them with a positive feeling.” That’s the place the aptitude of the UI designer comes in.

UX = Products, Interfaces, And Services
UI = Interfaces  

Client encounter configuration is a wide field and ending up more well-known constantly. Presently, organizations with a web nearness as well as numerous others that create items or give administrations are getting on to the benefit of understanding their clients and approving their speculations previously they build.  

UI configuration is, well, just for UIs. This doesn’t mean it is restricted to the graphical UI of PCs, tablets and cell phones. We are likewise observing interfaces on numerous different items nowadays like watches, clothes washers, auto dashboards, candy machines, ticket stands and some more.  

To conclude, UX configuration enables clients to achieve significant errands crosswise over stages and services. UI configuration makes convincing and stylishly satisfying interfaces that associate with people.


How to run your test on multiple machines using Selenium Grid


About Selenium Grid

Selenium-Grid permits you run your tests on various machines against various programs in parallel. That is, running numerous tests in the meantime against various machines running diverse browsers and working frameworks. Basically, Selenium-Grid bolsters circulated test execution. It takes into account running your tests in a distributed test execution condition.  

Working of Selenium-Grid with a Hub and Nodes

A grid comprises of a solitary hub, and at least one node. Both will utilize the selenium-server.jar executable.

The hub gets a test to be executed alongside data on which browser and ‘platform’ (i.e. WINDOWS, LINUX, and so forth) where the test ought to be run. It ‘knows’ the setup of every node that has been ‘enlisted’ to the hub. Utilizing this data, it chooses an accessible node that has requested for the browser-platform combination.  Once a node has been chosen, Selenium commands initiated by the test are sent to the hub, which passes them to the hub relegated to that test. The node runs the browser and executes the Selenium orders inside that browser against the application under test.


In order to run all the test scripts, present in the framework on a remote computer, we use selenium grid. In selenium grid, there is two type of systems first is HUB and other is a NODE.

HUB: – It is a server computer which controls the execution of the selenium grid.

NODE: – It is the remote Computer which accepts the script from the HUB and executes the test scripts, Multiple nodes systems can communicate with a single hub system.

  For using selenium grid, we have to perform a few steps.

  • Start the HUB
  • Start the NODE

Execute our Framework using remote WebDriver

1. Start the HUB

In the server computer copy selenium-server jar file paste it inside the (c: drive) or any location you want to.
Open the command prompt on the exact location where you have that selenium-server jar file and type the following command java -jar c:/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role hub. 

It should show the following message-
Nodes should register to
Selenium Grid hub is up and running

  The default port number for the HUB is 4444.

2. Start the NODE 

On the remote computer where you want to run the test script copy selenium-server jar file paste it inside the (c: drive) or any location, you want to.
Open the command prompt on the exact location where you have that selenium-server jar file and type the following command java -jar c:/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role node –hub
Note- copy the hub URL from your HUB system.
And it should show the following message-
Registering the node to the hub:
The node is registered to the hub and ready to use

And on your HUB system, you will also get a message-
Registered a node

The default port no for a node is 5555.

3. Execute our Framework using remote WebDriver

To execute the test scripts in a remote computer we have to use the remote web driver class in order to specify the browser which should be open on a remote computer we should use desired capability class.

For executing test scripts in NODE system simply execute test script from the HUB system.


Selenium Grid reduces a lot of batch execution time which can be counted as an advantage.  It can also perform cross-browser testing and perform multiple OS testing. The basic concept of Selenium Grid is that it allows you to run your test on multiple machines and on multiple browsers.

Business Design: Preparing you for 2030


What is Business Design?


Business Design is a human-focused way to deal with development. It applies the standards and practices of configuration to help organizations to make new esteem and new types of competitive advantage. At its center, Business Design is the coordination of client compassion, experience design, and business technique.

How can Business Design be used in the market?


Understanding Customers

Clients regularly need devices to verbalize their own needs, and standard market research methodologies only scratch the surface.

Creating and Testing Ideas

Transforming neglected necessities into advancement. This is tied in with making new thoughts, getting the client feedback and doing quick testing to show signs of improvement arrangement. Advertisers learn systems for ideation and prototyping.

Interfacing with Strategy

New thoughts will fail to prosper on the off chance that they aren’t sponsored by a sound system, including a reasonable arrangement of decisions of how the association will win. Business Design enables associations to investigate new conceivable outcomes in exceptionally unmistakable ways, and eventually settle on better choices that are client driven, comprehensive, community-oriented and creative.

Now the most important question

Why Business Design will be considered a useful skill in the future

Careers in Business design are upcoming as fast as digital technology. Future Business Designers will need to broaden their horizons by learning crossover skills that will make them more valuable in a team environment.
The future of design is Business design and it will prepare you for 2030.


How to approach Business Design

Whenever we’re designing for customers, or for our organization we’ll improve the situation if we see how us to positively impact the business instance of our zone. We have to comprehend what that outcome is, regardless of whether it implies we move it for all the correct reasons. Be that as it may, design lives inside a business case, in any case. So better discover how we develop or change that business case. What’s more, even do the math.

Many individuals in vast organizations can feel overpowered by the design of another item or service. It’s extremely energizing – yet how on earth is it each going to get conveyed? It feels like the vast majority of the design network is pretty abreast with the Minimum Viable Product idea, however, a considerable measure of our customers and organizations truly aren’t, past utilizing the words.

So, separating our designs into key and fringe highlights, with an eye on what’s most vital for the end client and for the business, is a basic aptitude. Very little occurs inside organizations without a group of partners consenting to subsidize something, with some sort of foreseen result.

Whenever we dispatch something that we’ve designed, how are we going to demonstrate it’s working? Or on the other hand not working and needs making strides? As a major aspect of the planned procedure itself, we should work on the times and linkages to guarantee that – once a service or an item is propelled – we can demonstrate how it’s doing. Inherently connected to the primary point, this will be basic for a large group of individuals who’ve paid for this new thought and who need to perceive what it was for.

So, as we’re outlining and creating, we should consider how individuals will bolster this new item or service. What requirements should be changed inside the associations we’re working in? Are their specializations and groups set up effectively? Do they have the perfect individuals with the correct mentalities to care for another item or service, particularly if it’s one that looks to separate them and explore new territories? So, we should help design angles or even whole new associations and methods for working.

Reputations endure the suffering of the organization when products and services fall flat. Also, nobody needs that. The design is (appropriately) fixated on making the best choice for the end client of whatever we’re designing. Also, that is as it ought to be. That level of sympathy is basic.

However, that we likewise need profound sympathy for the customers and organizations we’re working inside. That level of sympathy encourages us to place ourselves in the shoes of representatives and pioneers who are basic to the achievement of whatever we design and empower us to thoroughly consider the items of common sense associated with guides one toward three. Business Designers regularly feel like interpreters, guides, nearly the paste between a few extremely divergent gatherings of individuals. It’s a genuine aptitude.

And at last, Business Design stands or falls on its capacity to recount the correct story at the ideal time to the opportune individual. This is an exemplary design expertise: the capacity to impart well, and get every other person as energized and ready regarding the vision, yet in addition the items of common sense, talking the dialect of the client, and the dialect of the business or association we’re designing for.